About our rates

We believe in being totally upfront about our rates so you can see for yourself the great value we can offer to you and your business.

We can quote you a special rate for a specific project or you can use our casual rates as detailed below.

All our assessments and consults are provided with no obligation and we advise our customers to get quotes from other companies. In fact, if you do get a lower quote on a defined project we’ll endeavour to beat it by at least 10%!

By publishing our rates, you can easily compare, at any time against a previous quote you’ve received on a project.

Our rates

Our fee structure operates on a sliding scale dependant on the number of hours of work per month a project or on-going contract requires. These rates and terms form the basis of all our projects and work but can be individually negotiated to suit your specific needs.

Counsultancy, analysis, documentation, development and web design work
Hour range (inclusive) 1 - 10 11 - 40 41 - 80 81 +
Rate (GBP/hour) £35 £30 £27 £25
IT and Software support, computer maintenance and administration work
£25 per hour flat rate from 08:30 till 18:00 during normal business days or
£35 per hour flat rate at all other times

We also give you...

  • A free initial meeting and consult (max 2 hours)
  • The first hour free for new projects over 10 hours *
  • The flexibility to negotiate our fees for large or long term projects or contracts.

Things you should take note of

Billing is done in half-hour increments with a minimum charge per session of 1 hour.

Site call-outs (excluding consults) are charged at the rates above plus travel expenses or if the call-out is within the York and Selby area, a fixed £10 fee will be charged. Note that in these cases billing begins from the time of the call-out.

* The free hour offer only applies to consultancy, development or web design work at the standard listed rate, does not apply to negotiated contracts or support and administration work. Only applies once per client per project per year.

Rates are reviewed every 6 months and as correct as of May 2011